Foruri ştiinţifice, expoziţii
Space & global Security of Humanity
Symposium will examine the problem area of global security of humanity and the way to solve problems of creation of international aerospace system for monitoring of global natural and technogenic phenomena (IGMAS), insuring the sustainability and harmony of mankind’s development.
Main topics:
1. Space Exploration and Global Problems of Humanity and Modern Age.
2. Planned profile for the International Global Aerospace Monitoring System (IGMAS)
3. Means and Medium for the Global Aerospace Monitoring of Natural and Man-Made Disasters and Emergencies.
4. Future Technologies for Collecting, Processing and Distributing of Aerospace Monitoring Data.
5. The development of the distant learning conception with the use of IGMAS facilities.
6. AEROSPACE SERVICE. International specialized presentation services to the aerospace field.
Symposium Languages: English