Конференции и семинары
International Conference Chimia 2009
Dear colleague,
You are cordially invited to participate at the International Conference CHIMIA 2009 – NEW TRENDS IN APPLIED CHEMISTRY which will be organized in Constanta, Romania, May 13-16, 2009.
This conference is the fourth in the series CHIMIA, organised by OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY OF CONSTANTA, ROMANIA, in 2000, 2003 and 2006.
Constanta is the second largest city in Romania and the biggest port at the Black Sea coast. Mamaia is one of the best resorts of Romania located at North of Constanta city. The Conference will be hosted by Ovidius University of Constanta, 124 Mamaia Blvd.
Accommodation facilities, conference hall, restaurant and the beach are at a few minutes walking distance.
CHIMIA 2009 Conference will cover different domains of applied chemistry:
Section A: Natural and synthetic compounds
Section B: Nanomaterials
Section C: Analytical environmental chemistry
Section D: Food security
Section E: Conventional and alternative energy sources
The Conference program will include: plenary lectures, oral presentations, poster session(s), workshop and social program. Parallel sessions are anticipated and poster presentations (maximum two posters by participant) are encouraged.
The workshop “Quality assurance of chemical measurements“ will be organized by EURACHEM Romania.