Conferinţa ştiinţifica internaţională Gypsy Lore Society Annual Meeting and Conference on Romani Studies


In perioada 10-12 Septembrie 2015, la Chisinau va avea loc Conferinta stiintifica internationala 2015 Gypsy Lore Society Annual Meeting and Conference on Romani Studies.

Limba de lucru va fi  - Engleza.

Informaţia detaliată cu privire la eveniment puteţi accesa pe site-ul

1. Agenda Conferinţei

2. Tezele comunicărilor prezentate la Conferinţă

3. Informaţie generală

The Gypsy Lore Society Annual Meeting and Conference on Gypsy/Romani Studies for 2015 will be held from the 10th-12h of September at the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau.

The meeting is being organized on behalf of the Gypsy Lore Society by the team of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (“Ethnology of Roma” Research Group) ( in cooperation with Public Association “Porojan”.

The Gypsy Lore Society, an International Association of persons interested in Romani Studies, was founded in Great Britain in 1888, so it is the oldest and most prominent academic organizations in the world. Since 1989 it has been headquartered in the United States. Its goals include promotion of the Romani studies; dissemination of accurate information aimed at increasing understanding of Romani life, history, language, cultures and contemporary situation in their diverse forms; and establishment of closer contacts among scholars active in Romani studies. The Annual Meetings of the Gypsy Lore Society are organized in collaboration with prominent scholars and academic establishments worldwide.

The Gypsy Lore Society has held annual conferences in some of the world”s great cities: Leicester (United Kingdom,1991); Cambridge (USA, 1992); Washington D.C. (USA, 1993);Los Angeles (USA, 1994);Leiden (Netherlands, 1995); New York City (USA, 1996); Boston (USA, 1997); Arlington(USA, 1998);Florence (Italy, 1999);Washington D.C. (USA, 2000); New York City (USA, 2001); Budapest (Hungary, 2002); Ann Arbor (USA, 2003);Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom, 2004); Granada (Spain, 2005); Tucson (USA, 2006); Manchester (United Kingdom, 2007); Washington D.C. (USA, 2008); Helsinki (Finland, 2009); Lisbon (Portugal, 2010); Graz (Austria, 2011); Istanbul (Turkey, 2012); Glasgow (United Kingdom, 2013); Bratislava (Slovak Republic, 2014).