Call for nominations 2010 M.W. Beijerinck Virology Prize


The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences awards the M.W. Beijerinck Virology Prize since 1966 to an outstanding virologist. Thanks to a legacy of the founders in 2001, in memory of the virologist Marinus Willem Beijerinck this international prize in the field of Virology has been installed. The Prize consists of Euro 35,000 and a medal representing the portrait of M.W. Beijerinck.

Prospective candidates should be active scientists whose achievements in the field of virology, including the biomedical and biophysical aspects, are internationally outstanding. Any scientist in the above field is eligible, irrespective of nationality or age. The winner will be invited to the Netherlands to receive the award in person and will be given the opportunity to lecture at this special meeting of the Academy.

Specific information concerning the nomination:
-Institutions or individuals are invited to nominate candidates
-A candidate may not nominate him-/herself
-Nominations should be submitting in writing, accompanied by material that will facilitate the

Jury's evaluation, i.e. a description of the recognized work, a curriculum vitae, a list of the candidate's publications and a copy of two key publications of the candidate.

Nominations postmarked before 1 October 2010 should be sent to:

The Board of the M.W. Beijerinck Virology Fund,
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences,
P.O. Box 19121,1000 GC Amsterdam, The Netherlands
For additional background material on the 2010 M.W. Beijerinck Virology Prize and nomination forms,