Proiectul ResInfra@DR a lansat un apel deschis pentru selectarea evalutorilor care doresc să fie incluși în registrul evaluatorilor al infrastructurilor de cercetare.
Termenul limită de depune a dosarelor este de 20 iulie 2018.
Textul integral al apelului (în limba engleză):
The ResInfra@DR project has launched an Open Call for experienced evaluators who want to be included in a registry of research infrastructure (RI) reviewers. Reviewers in the registry must have the knowledge, experience and ability to conduct ex-ante assessments of upcoming RI instruments and/or planned RIs in the Danube macro-region countries.
The registry will be used primarily by relevant ministries, financing authorities, agencies in charge of RIs, and research organisations planning RI investments. All these end users will be based in one of the Danube region countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine).
Participation in the registry is open to experts from both inside and outside the Danube macro-region. The candidates who apply to this Call will be assessed based on the relevance and quality of their applications.
The online registration tool will be active until 20 July 2018, when this Call will close.
We are looking for experts with a university degree and professional background in Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences or Humanities.
The experts need to have previous experience in at least one of the following:
• research infrastructure evaluations
• evaluations of research proposals
• internal audit and/or evaluation of organisations – especially research institutions.
Other necessary criteria for inclusion in the registry include:
• a good knowledge of general research infrastructure landscape in at least one of the Danube macro-region countries;
• good communications skills with a special focus on being good at explaining complex issues to peers from diverse cultural and institutional backgrounds;
• good analytic skills;
• working command of English;
• general computer literacy.
Please read the full text of the Open Call in the PDF file.
The Online Registration Form will be accessible until 20 July 2018 on this link: http://vrsurveys.com/index.php/159833?lang=en
In addition to completing the Online Registration Form, candidates for the registry need to send their up-to-date CVs, highlighting their relevant experience with research infrastructure issues, and a list of scientific publications (either as a separate file or included in the CV) per e-mail to Marko Hajdinjak at [email protected].
Deadline for the submission of applications is 20 July 2018, 17:00 CET. |