In the framework of the Danube-INCO.NET project the S3 Platform together with the Academy of Sciences of Moldova successfully organised on February 18-19.2016 in Chisinau, Moldova the first workshop on smart specialisation (S3) strategy design targeted to the EU enlargement and neighbouring countries.
The workshop was attended by nearly 80 participants from Moldova and other non-EU countries such Ukraine, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegowina and representatives of EU countries such Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia or Finland who shared their experiences towards S3. The objective of the WS was to enable countries outside the EU to benefit from S3 methodology focusing knowledge-based investments on a limited number of priority areas identified following an entrepreneurial discovery process.
"Improved research and innovation strategies containing an S3 approach could become the drivers of technology upgrading and provide unique competitive advantages for the countries and regions outside the EU."
Participants were welcomed and introduced to the S3 design learning workshop by Mr. Alessandro Rainoldi, Head of Unit Knowledge for Growth from the European Commission, DG JRC who also moderated several sessions of the workshop. After welcome message by the president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Mr. Gheorghe Duca, the participants were introduced to recent developments in research and innovation sector focusing the science reform in Moldova. The "Research and Development Strategy for the Republic of Moldova by 2020" (please see the presentation one attached below) was presented by Mr. Ion Tighineanu, first Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova while Mr. Roman Chirca, director of the Moldovan Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer focused his presentation on "Disruptive innovation towards over-passing the systemic challenges of a transitional economy." Participants were welcomed also by the representative of the EU Delegation in Moldova, Ms. Fabien Schaeffer and Centre for Social Innovation from Vienna as coordinator of the Danube-INCO.NET project, represented by Ms. Ines Marinkovic.
Following the introduction into Moldovan R&I sector, Mr. Bernard Brunet from DG NEAR presented in brief the EU instruments supporting economic development in non-EU countries while Mr. Ales Gnamus from EC IPTS Joint Research Centre set the scene on Smart Specialisation by introducing the Smart Specialisation process and the S3 Platform.
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