(Newsletter) The 2015 ‘TÜBA Awards’ Presented


The 2015 International TÜBA Academy Prizes, GEBIP and TEÇEP Awards were presented to recipients in the Presidential Palace, December 14, 2015.The ceremony was held under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The international TÜBA Academy Prizes were presented by the President Erdoğan to Niyazi Serdar Sarıçiftçi of Linz Johannes Kepler University in the field of Basic and Engineering Sciences, Zulfiqar Ahmad Bhutta of Toronto University and Aga Kahn University in Health and Life Sciences
and Mehmet Genç of Istanbul City University in Social sciences and Humanities.
Within scope of Young Scientist Outstanding Achievement Award Program (GEBİP) 38 scientists received awards while 19 scientists received awards in the best Books Authored and Translated Award Program (TEÇEP).
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