Currently, performing scientific research in field of real sciences is a very difficult process. Besides the fact that it requires modern and extremely expensive equipment, it further requires a profound knowledge not only in the corresponding area of activity, but also a total dedication. The condicting of research at the intersection of several sciences, in special in biomedicine is even more complicated, needing the possession of extensive theoretical information and practical abilities in biological, medical, chemical and physical sciences. Even more, it is very difficult to achieve such investigations, if they are pioneering ones.
During many years, the main aim of study of the collective led by Academician Teodor Furdui, is the issue of human health, which, according to its significance for the future of civilization, must be placed at the same level as other global issues that threaten the civilization, such as food, environmental, energy and demographic problems.
Analyzing the data of contemporary science about man and from own research, it was concluded that there is only one way of solving the problem of human health, and namely - to renounce the already rooted strategy of building and maintaining health and to apply to a new approach that could allow the creation and guided maintenance of health, according to social stressogenic conditions, which are always in changing.
The elaboration of a new paradigm of approach and solving the health issue, has served as a basis for founding of a new science in biomedicine – sanocreatology (san(itas) - health, crea(re) - to create and logos - science). The objectives, conceptual principles and specific methods of study had been determined, a scientific-methodological complex had been elaborated, while new notions, definitions, axioms etc. had been proposed as a base of sanocreatology.
The debut of sanocretology is due to the initiative of Academician Teodor Furdui, who is known in the country and abroad for his works in stressology and who has tutored this area of research more than 40 years.
One of the sanocreatology’s and especially psyhosanocreatology’s performances consists in finding new ways concerning the possibility of guided forming of special intellectual and creative abilities.
Sanocreatology is increasingly recognized in the country and abroad, a fact demonstrated by: the inviting Moldovan scientists to submit plenary reports at various international congresses – „The annual symposium of the E.P.C.A.H and the Vth congress of the Association of Traditional Medicine”, „The Tradition medicine and sanocreatology in the XXI century (October, 2000)”; international conference „Advanced technologies in the XXI century” (2000); The XIIIth, IXth, Xth” XIth, XIIth International Interdisciplinary Congresses „Neuroscience for medicine and psychology” (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016); the organization within the four congresses (I, II, III și IV) of physiologists from the CIS countries, and the organization of special symposium dedicated to sanocreatology and psyhosanocreatology at IXth, Xth, XIth, XIIth International Interdisciplinary Congresses „Neuroscience for medicine and psychology”.
The founding and development of sanocreatology presents an undoubted success of the local science and those who are dedicated to this domain, disciples of Academician Teodor Furdui.
Academician Gheorghe DUCA |