Orizont 2020 - Programul Cadrul al UE pentru Cercetare şi Inovare pentru 2014-2020


The proposed Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, which will be introduced post-2013, will build upon the successes of the current Framework Programme for Research (FP7), the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

The ultimate aim is to maximise the contribution of EU funded research and innovation to sustainable growth and jobs and to tackling the grand challenges facing Europe – for example climate change, energy and food security, health and our ageing population.

This will be achieved by creating a coherent set of instruments, along the whole "innovation chain" starting from basic research, culminating in bringing innovative products and services to market; and also to support non-technological innovation, for example in design and marketing.

Consultation: Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding

On 10 June 2011 the outcome of the consultation on future EU research and innovation funding was discussed at a major conference in Brussels. The consultation was based on a European Commission Green Paper, published on 9 February 2011, with a deadline for contributions of 20 May 2011. The Green Paper proposed major changes to EU research and innovation funding to make participation easier, increase scientific and economic impact and provide better value for money.

The outcomes of the consultation are available through this website:

  • A summary analysis ( 562 KB) of the consultation, based on written responses and around 1300 online questionnaires that were submitted by interested individuals, companies, research institutes and citizens.
  • The written responses provided by over 750 associations, large organisations and others that provide in-depth views which are published on this website, organised by country.
  • An interactive blog, where various questions and topics from the Green Paper were posted for open comment, debate and ideas.
  • Links to events, in particular the major event on 10 June to bring together and discuss the main outcomes.

The outcomes are being used to design the legislative proposals for Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, to be presented by the Commission by the end of 2011, for decisions of the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament.

Multi-annual Financial Framework - A Budget for Europe 2020

On 29 June 2011 the European Commission presented the Multiannual Financial Framework which translates into financial terms the Union's political priorities for the period 2014-2020.

Investment in research and innovation in the next seven years will be significantly increased. The common EU strategy "Horizon 2020" worth €80 billion will boost Europe's global competitiveness and help create the jobs and ideas of tomorrow. It will gather all projects in this area to eliminate fragmentation and make sure EU -funded projects better complement and help coordinate national efforts. You can find more information on the next Multiannual Financial Framework here


  • June 2010 - adoption of Europe 2020 Strategy
  • October 2010 - Innovation Union flagship initiative as part of Europe 2020
  • October 2010 - Communication on Budget Review
  • November 2010 - Interim evaluation of FP7
  • February 2011 - European Council on Innovation
  • February 2011 - Commission response to interim evaluation of FP7
  • February 2011 - Publication Green Paper ‘Towards a Common Strategic Framework’
  • June 2011 - Presentation of the Multiannual Financial Framework
  • 30 November 2011 – proposed date for adoption by the European Commission of the draft legislative proposal for Horizon 2020 - the future Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
  • 5 December – 1st Innovation Convention
  • 6 December – Presentation of Horizon 2020 to the Competiveness Council
  • Discussions with the co-legislators: the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament

Source: http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm